In the
recently published Forbes magazine (no I don’t’ normally read it) there was featured
the publication of “Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets: Why Women
are the Solution.” by S.A. Hewitt. It trumpeted the rise in the number of women
attending and graduating university in a number of developing countries. (
While for
those individual women who are now attending university in the cited countries
it is clearly an achievement. But I have serious doubts whether this will have
any positive impact on women as a whole, and may well an overall negative
impact if the patterns of social development in those countries mimics that of UK.
In the UK we consider that we are a broadly
egalitarian society where men and women have equal opportunities, but we
recognise that women still face apparent barriers to entry into certain areas
of employment. What we do not examine in any depth is the perception of
opportunity and the realities of choice.
Feminism has
posited the notion that women by right should have the right to choose from a range
of lifestyle and career options ranging from pursuit of a professional career
to being a stay at home parent, and any permutation in between. Feminists have
successfully politicked for regulatory frameworks and the provision of public
services to provide the exercise of choice. The Feminist paradigm also promoted
the concept that women could revise their lifestyle decisions at will, and
expect society to facilitate this.
But for men
such range of choice does not exist, and I would argue that the entire feminist
paradigm is based upon men not seeking to exercise choice. Broadly for men
there is but one choice, work or unemployment. As we can see reinforced by
endless advertising and other media activity, men with poor earning potential
are excluded from enjoying the opportunity of family and relationships with
women. Comparing and contrasting advertisements for proprietary healthcare
products highlights this, where positive health for women leads to exploration
of potential, empowerment, socialisation etc. But for in the case of marketing
to men it is primarily focussed on either functionality (i.e end of pain) or
the maintenance of economic status. There is no offer of quality of life improvement
or empowerment for men through health.
A decade or
so ago, UK media and social commentators asserted
that “Men Are In Crisis”, and there were a vast number of articles written
about this. At the heart of this was the concern that boys are not doing as
well in school and thus not securing such good jobs. In the conferences that
followed it was women who composed the bulk of the audiences. Rather than it appearing
to be a crisis for men, it appeared and was a crisis for women.
The crisis
for women is as follows. If boys and men are not motivated to apply themselves
to study and secure good jobs, then their earnings will be less and the
likelihood of long term unemployment greater. The consequences of this is that
men will not have surplus income to be able to support women’s choices and
women’s reliance on the public sector to provide services and employment.
In the
preceding decade there are been many interventions to assist women into
employment and to promote girls / women’s interests. There developed, funded by
the public sector, an entire industry in providing women with a variety of
courses / workshops to empower women. Public and private sector funding set up
training programmes for “Women Returners” in potentially medium to high skill,
and traditionally male dominated, sectors. But by the late 1990’s it was clear
that participation for a large number of women had been determined by their
desire to defer entering the workforce, rather than an interest in entering those
With the rise
of Feminism since the late 1960’s, in parallel there has also been a massive
change in men’s real earnings. Whereas in 1970 it took approximately 36% of an
average man’s wage to provide accommodation for his family, by the 2005 this had
risen to 70%+. In effect men’s purchasing power in relation to housing has fallen
to the level of the average woman in full time employment in 1970. Although
women’s notional pay in relation to men had risen during this period, their purchasing
power had actually fallen slightly. Had it not been for the massive supply of
very cheap food and clothing during this period, the entire economic model would
have collapsed. Thus the lower down you were as either a man or woman in
society the less choice you had regarding your lifestyle.
In the bottom
end of the working class, women had always had to seek paid employment to
augment the family income. It was in the skilled working class and in the
middle classes where women did not generally work once they were married, and
many never took paid employment at any point in their lives. The Women’s
Movement of the 19th century had not forgotten the lessons of the
1840’s Mines Act which excluded women and children from the workplace. Despite
predictions of economic catastrophe for those mining communities, it was found
that the standard of living improved as it created a labour shortage, and drove
up wages. This in turn compelled mine owners to invest in machinery to improve efficiency,
and society to start establishing primary schools to cater for the now
unemployed children. Thus the Women’s Movement and the Trades Unions were in
agreement that married women should be excluded from the workplace and actively
sought to promote this.
Feminism demanded initially that women should have an equal opportunity to
access employment and progressed to promoting the idea that women, even with
dependents, should be in employment. Paid employment for women was promoted as
fulfilling, and repeated surveys indicate that women do value the social
aspects of work.
As women
entered the workforce in large numbers, they demanded that their incomes were
taken into consideration by the banks and building societies when applying for
mortgages. In theory, women’s wages should have contribute to family wealth and
thus choice. But in practice the housing market simply responded with price escalations
driven by the scarcity of housing and the available money.
For successful
professional women, these changes in the socio-economic balance had little
impact, for those women in the lower end of society it brought little if any
benefit. As men and women struggled to maintain family units, it became often
economically beneficial to seek separation and divorce with the public sector
funding their decision and protecting them from economic catastrophe. Divorces
became characterised by battles over custody as the bulk of community property
and access to welfare followed the children. As society became more and more
consumerist, men with their declining purchasing power became increasingly
marginalised and the object of opprobrium. Despite society being still
dependent upon men conforming to traditional patterns and seeking life time
employment, men as a group became a target for an endless stream of Feminist
condemnation. Feminist pundits progressed to asking “what is the purpose of men
and have they any future meaningful role in society?”
Even where
men challenged some aspects of this, feminist political influence engineered
functional inequality. Thus with the ready availability of DNA testing men could for the first
time definitively challenge paternity claims. The UK parliament in a late night sitting
passed legislation that denied men the right to seek to establish their
paternity of a child without the mother’s or a court’s permission. Further the
Family Courts ruled that a “named father” could not, despite not being the
biological father, abdicate his responsibility for any child born within the
marriage if it was not in the child’s interest.
Feminists had
achieved this by becoming part of the establishment and being able to assert
overwhelming political influence. At the end of the 1990’s the Royal College of
Nursing passed a resolution calling upon the newly elected Labour government to
align funding on clinical priorities. The RCN claimed that the allocation of
funding was politically driven, with lower clinical priority women’s treatments
being promoted at the expense of men. The minister responded that if men wanted
better health they could either change their lifestyles or purchase health services
from the private sector, and that the government was not willing to re-assign
funding. At the time less than 12% of NHS funds were spent on men.
The above
example highlights the degree to which feminists had shifted from seeking
equality, to securing advantage. In doing so they made a mockery of the notion
that public services were based upon the concept of being needs based.
Boys and
young men could readily look at the world around them and could only wonder
what motivation was there to engage in society, if society showed such scant
interest in them. The further down the economic scale they were, the
opportunities to participate in society seemed to be. They were assailed with
profoundly negative statements in the media. They witnessed their father’s and
other men being daily marginalised within the family and society at large.
For the women
around them, mothers, teachers and girlfriends, this was also a bewildering situation.
These working class men could not longer provide the security and stability
that the pre-1980’s men, their fathers, had delivered, and most of all the
choices that Feminism promised. While education and egalitarianism in the
workplace afforded women the opportunity to secure paid employment and develop
careers, the loss of men’s earning power meant that they lost the choice to be “stay
at home” mothers to bring up their children as their mothers has done. Those
that did seek to combine home and work, had to rely on expensive child-care
that often consumed almost all their earnings, and their husbands worked longer
and longer hours.
When the
European Working Time Regulations was first mooted it immediately became a
major political issue in UK as so many people, mainly men,
worked far in excess of the recommended 48 hours. Industry had also come to
depend on this long hours culture and had built its business model around it.
Towards the end of Tony Blair’s term in office, he proudly stated that there
were more people in UK in employment than at any time in Britain’s history. He omitted to mention
that despite all this work being undertaken and wages earned, the gulf between
the rich and poor had widened to reverse the achievements of the 20th
announcing that, in one country or another, increasing numbers of women are
present in tertiary education is in itself meaningless. These women are an
elite who are unlikely to share in the experiences of women in the bottom half
of society. As an elite they will join the establishment, and like all members
of establishments seek to preserve and extend their advantages. Their access to
political and economic power will enable them to shape society in accordance
with their wishes.
In the United Kingdom, the battle is no longer about
gender but about class, and class unity. While in popular expression husbands
and wives became referred to as “partners” as though co-join in some union. Yet
Feminism dealt in polarities, and the division of men and women. The Feminist
paradigm posited men and women in eternal battle against each other. The division
in the working class that Feminism has sown has led the poorest and weakest in
society into catastrophe. To reverse this will require massive structural and
attitudinal change in society, and requires the elites to relinquish much of
their power and wealth.
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